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Our Preschool Program

By this time, your child has learned a great deal about the world around them; they are more familiar with their unique place in life. Needs-based interaction fades and a strong desire to contribute becomes more apparent.

Your child understands social interaction, accepts and participates in routines, and makes decisions based on learned behaviors. This is an exciting time! Your child begins to reason more and more on how and why things happen each day, where his place is in it, and how to cope with change. 


The Nebo Crossing Junior Academy Preschool Program is designed to leverage the skills and understanding learned in earlier programs against new challenges and teaching.

Our Pre-school curriculum and classrooms are designed to conduct a structured learning environment coupled with large and small group learning times.


Small groups contain part teacher run activities which focus on one on one development while part encourage individual play focusing on positive social development.


Large group learning is a time of teaching recognition of upper and lower case letters, pronunciation of letters, counting and recognition of numbers, review of shapes and colors, teaching primary and secondary colors, sign language and Spanish, teaching theme related topics, and much more.

Language Arts, Science, Pre-reading and Pre-writing, Math, Art, Dramatic play, and music all fit in each child’s daily schedule. Upon completion of Preschool, children are eager to continue their learning in Pre-K.

Accepting Challenges


Daily Snapshot

  • Advanced learning centers

  • Schedule becomes more predictable/consistent

  • More songs, reading, story times

  • More structured group play and activities

  • Reading and writing basics

  • Counting and basic maths

  • More advanced art time and projects


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